I Want To Follow Jesus
I want to see the Christ child
Who was born among the sheep
Follow in His footsteps
His legacy, to keep.
I want to be His chosen one
How humbled, I would be
To fish with James and Simon
On the Sea of Galilee.
I want to walk on water
Feel His soothing peace
When the waves are all about
And He calls for them to cease.
I want to stand amongst the crowds
Know His mighty grace
See Him feed the multitudes
Gaze upon His face.
I want to see Him heal the sick
Cause the blind to see
Touch the crippled and the deaf
Cure the leprosy.
I want to sit with Jesus
Beside Him, I would dine
Next to John and Philip
At a very crucial time.
I want to pray with Jesus
Take away the fear
In the garden of Gethsemane
I’ll wipe away His tear.
I want to be with Jesus
As He hangs there up above
On the rugged cross at Calvary
I’ll shelter Him with love.
I want to follow Jesus
When the stone is rolled away
See the eyes of His disciples
As He slowly walks their way.
I want to go with Jesus
His radiant face to see
In a flame of blazing glory
When He returns for me.
Marilyn Ferguson ~
Jan.01, 2003 Used with permission
Marilyn also has her own
beautiful site
Echoes Of
The Heart