Pathway to
There is a
path along the river
Waiting just
inside the gate
It flows with
milk and honey
And is sure
to seal your fate.
The way is
straight and narrow
And few do
heed its call
It quietly
beckons to us
Just inside
the garden wall.
The journey
isn’t easy
When we follow
wayward friends
For all the
worldly pleasure
Will cause
our lives to end.
It isn’t found
in neon lights
Nor where
the wine does flow
The road to
hell is paved so well
A way, you
mustn’t go.
You want to
know the secret
You'd like
to find the way
The path along
the river
Can be there
for you today.
Go to the Lord
in prayer
He'll hear
your humble call
The gate will
slowly open
Just inside
the garden wall.
The truth is
found in scripture
The dead in
Christ shall rise
The way will
come before you
When you seek
for paradise.
Just reach
out to the Father
He will take
you by the hand
And together
you will journey
To the sacred
promised land.
~ Marilyn
Fergson ~
2003 Used with permission
Read more
of Marilyn's poetry Here
Also, Marilyn's site Echoes
Of The Heart