Sometimes when
shadows linger
And darkness
veils the night
When pain
obscures my vision
And things
aren't going right.
When the world
around me crumbles
And a friend
cannot be found
When tomorrow
holds no promise
And life has
got me down.
When I am at
my lowest
And I can
bear no more
I cry to God
in anguish
He greets
me at the door.
He gently whispers
to me
My soul has
found release
My troubles
start to perish
My worries
seem to cease.
The hardships
I have known
Seem to vanish
with the wind
When I seek
His loving Spirit
And I humbly
ask Him in.
All the turmoil
that surrounds me
Seems to fade
like shifting sand
When I linger
in His presence
And He gently
takes my hand.
~ Author Marilyn
Used with permisssion
Read more
of Marilyn's poetry Here
on Reflections
or Marilyn's
visit web site Echoes
Of The Heart
Music "Thirsting For Heaven"

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